Marion is our District Governor Elect and is in the last six months of her preparation for her year as DG.
Marion and her husband Mike have just returned from the International Assembly in San Diego
Barry Rassin, RI President-Elect shared his theme for 2018-19 at International Assembly in San Diego recently
‘BE THE INSPIRATION’ is a superb choice for Rotary and Rotarians everywhere – we can all apply this to our personal lives, our families, our workplaces and our communities locally and internationally.
Barry and Esther impressed us with their warmth and their likeable personalities – they are very ‘real’ and following on from the relaxed and engaging style of current RI President Ian Riseley and Juliet, they will present a relevant, 21st century face of Rotary to the worldInternational Assembly, with its 537 Governors-Elect, plus partners, trainers, Rotary Board, staff etc was a colourful expression of the internationality and inclusiveness of Rotary. Being part of a crowd of 1200-odd passionate Rotarians in the general sessions was energising and definitely inspiring.
"Mug shot" for the Assembly
During the 2018-19 year I will be encouraging you all to ‘BE THE INSPIRATION’
Be proud to be a Rotarian - wear your Rotary pin, share your story, tell people about why you are a Rotarian
Don’t keep Rotary a secret - be visible as a club when you’re doing a project - share your projects with your communities, partner with others, work alongside them to BE THE INSPIRATION for them to join us and do good things in the world
The message ‘BE THE INSPIRATION’ is what will drive me in 2018-19.
Until then, we’re Making a Difference, and going WILD about Rotary with DG Mitchell
To see photo's from the Assembly go here