JR McKenzie Trust
Established in 1940 by Rotarian Sir John McKenzie, the Trust makes grants to charitable organisations mainly in the areas of social services, health and community development. It seeks to contribute to longer term change - this means building a society where fewer people are in dire straits, and where there is less need for health and social services over time.
The Trust’s strategy for 2015-19 is to work towards a more socially just and inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. The Trust’s main focus areas are Māori Development and Disadvantaged Children and their Families.
Applications with a focus on other especially marginalised groups may also be considered.
There are two funding rounds each year, organisations may apply once per year. Please check on the website each year for dates and the application process.
The founder ensured that Rotary would play an important part in the administration of the Trust. The Board includes a Trustee from each of the Rotary Districts, who chairs a regional panel. These panels provide crucial local input in grant making decisions.
The outline application form and further information can be obtained from the Trust’s website at www.jrmckenzie.org.nz
Executive Director
District 9940 Trustee
Iain Hines
PO Box 10006, Wellington 6143
Tel: 04 472 8876
Email: iain@jrmckenzie.org.nz
Joan Smith
Rotary Club of Wellington
Res: 04 476 7800
Cell: 021 577 035
Email: joansmith@xtra.co.nz
J R McKenzie Youth Education Fund
Application forms are available online at: