How To Get Involved
This image is a simplified high-level view of the process.
Click it for a larger view
To get involved is simple, and to assist each of our members with this we have created some tools that they may be able to use.
1. Download the documents in the list below. You need ALL of them.
2. Follow the detailed guide. This also tells you when and how to use the other documents.
Information contacts
Need more information ? Your District PI Chair is your primary contract. Click the appropriate link below to email your question or comment:
Rotarians Special Offer
Lanaco has very generously agreed to extend the special price to Rotarians and Rotaractors with a New Zealand address that participate in the donor programme.
The limitation for just NZ unfortunately is due to the extra freight costs to the Pacific Islands.
For information on how to take up this offer, email Adrienne. You will be sent a document explaining the process and the requirements.
(Adrienne's email is in the detailed process guide document you downloaded)