In Chicago February 23 1905 Paul Harris met with 3 friends to discuss his idea that business leaders should meet periodically to enjoy fellowship and to enlarge their network (my words). He became President of the club in its third year and he was anxious to extend Rotary to other cities because he was convinced that Rotary could be developed into an important service movement.
Information taken from page 10 of your District Directory
We come now to 2018, some 97 years later when Barry Rassin is President of an organisation of more than 35,000 clubs and over 1.2 million people, all brought together through Paul Harris's vision of service and fellowship. He says "We are men and women who believe in the power of community action to make a global impact - and together, we have the capacity and resources to achieve almost anything" He also says "Most important of all, we need to Be the Inspiration for positive change, inspiring our clubs, our communities, and our organisation to face today's challenges head on, with courage, optimism, and creativity."
See page 16 and 17 of the District Directory
Also from Barry Rassin "What truly motivates Rotarians is their work. The Rotarians who have the biggest impact through their service aren’t always the women and men with the greatest resources, the most experience, or the largest networks. They’re the ones who are inspired. Whether it was something they did, something they saw, or someone they met, they’ve all had experiences that lit them on fire—and inspired them to serve."
I haven't seen his notes but be assured that Mitch spoke very eloquently for longer than his allotted 6 minutes, praising and thanking many Rotarians in the District, telling stories of some of the projects that had inspired him. In particular he spoke of the Rarotonga Medical Bus, a significant and large international project that was started (other than the planning) and finished in the year "Rotary Making a Difference". There were too many projects to name them all, too many people who excelled and a successful RotaFest in May 2018.
Anthony Scott summed Mitch up as follows
"Into a cold Palmerston North fire station at Changeover 2017 came a dancing fireman. He danced as if no-one was watching – and some of us wished that were true. His moves are now part of the official warmup required of all Search and Rescue Personnel before they burrow into collapsed buildings. Mitch’s warmth and energy was evident. Over the year we have also come to see his perceptiveness; his ability to listen and to discern, to make judgement calls which are not always easy but are necessary; to provide leadership which gives guidance and support, and clear direction but never dictates. In this year, Mitch has helped us celebrate the many successes of clubs and Rotarians across this District; to lead us in commiseration as we have lost clubs and individuals we value from the Rotary Family; and has managed to corral the diversity of Rotary – the multiple strands which make up this great korowai which spreads over the entire Rotary Family. By his year of service as our DG, Mitch has made that korowai more perfect. We need also to recognise the tremendous contribution made by his fabulous dance partner, Fiona. It has been a team effort, which has progressed this District this year.
Bob Smith had the enviable task of introducing Marion "It is indeed a special privilege and honour for me today to introduce our Governor for 2018-2019, Marion Johnston.
Marion becomes the second Governor from the Rotary Club of Whanganui North, the 6th from the Wanganui cluster of Rotary Clubs and the 4th woman Governor in District 9940. She joined the Rotary Club of Wanganui North in 2003, was Club President in 2008/2009, Assistant Governor of the Wanganui Cluster in 2013/2014 and 2014/2015, and served on the IYE committee in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. - - - - Marion, it gives me very great pleasure to invest you with the chain of office of Governor for District 9940 for 2018/2019 and present you with the Governor’s Pin. We are confident you will lead the district with distinction in the coming year. I extend congratulations on behalf of all Rotarians (the full speech by Bob can be found on the next page)
Exerts from Marion's Speech
Thanks Mitchell for thinking outside the Square, or in the case of Rotafest, thinking inside the Square, and encouraging us to Go Wild about Rotary for the last 12 months - - -
Let’s also consider how we can Be the Inspiration to our own communities. Let’s be visible out there as we do good. It’s not so easy to be inspirational if we hold all our meetings behind closed doors, it’s not so easy to be inspirational if we work hard to raise money which we hand over to another charity to do the good and get the recognition. Let’s shift our focus back to service – let’s think about how we can make our projects more about the service and less about the fund raising ---we have so much we can share – our vocational skills, our business experience, our networks, our contacts, our access to the Rotary Foundation - - - Let’s work together, connect, partner, share, include and let’s showcase to the world the Rotary work that we are so proud of … in 2018-19 we willBe the Inspiration