This month is Rotary Peace and Conflict Resolution month. Applications for the next round of Rotary Peace scholars opens this month. This is Rotary’s most prestigious scholarship currently awarded and the hunt is now on for outstanding candidates. Contact our District Peace Co-ordinator
Peace can flourish whenever minds are open. My club is currently in dialogue with a Wellington-based leader of the Muslim community in New Zealand. At the local level we are each very interested in understanding more about each other. We are both open to building a new and evolving relationship. You could consider the same with your local Muslim or other communities.
You can now register for the 15-17 May 2020 District Conference #TātouTātouE #TogetherWeConnect. The process is online, through the conference website here or paste this URL in your browser:
Your registration covers the fabulous venue, exciting speakers, Friday night welcome supper, Saturday lunch, tea/coffee breaks on Sat/Sun, and… the Saturday night Dinner & Dance with the RNZAF Jazz Band! Earlybird registration is open until 31 March 2020:
Earlybird: $295
Youth: $125
Late people from 1 April: $340
Payment is through the online registration site (see the BIG button on the website), so you will need either a credit or a debit card on hand.
Registration for District Assembly training on Sunday afternoon 15 May is through the same registration process. For those registering for District Assembly, there is no extra cost, and there is an extra lunch (Sunday).
***CLUB PRESIDENTS: You may like to consider how you can use this conference and registration process to encourage more involvement by your members and develop club spirit. Perhaps buddy up people to help those who would find online registration a ‘bit too techy’ for them? How about sponsoring the youngest member of your club, who may find it more financially difficult than others but who would benefit from exposure to the wider Rotary family? ***
Before we all start dancing to the Airforce Jazz Band after our District Conference dinner, there will be a competition to see which clubs can dress-to-impress based on the theme: Ko wai tatou/Who are we? Get your thinking caps on and decide what represents you as a club - something about your location? your origins? your aspirations? Prizes for the best dressed! #RotaryD9940Connects#TatouTatouE#RotaryC2020Hutt
Have you considered being on a District Committee?
We’re keen to identify enthusiastic Rotarians who would like to have an involvement beyond their Club level. You may be an experienced Rotarian, a relative newcomer wanting to be further involved or a Rotaractor keen to develop your leadership potential.
You are likely to have a special interest / expertise in a particular field, be it Communications, International service, Membership, Youth programmes, Club Development, Foundation – the list goes on.
Check out the Directory for our range of District committees and contact me if you’d like to know more.
What an amazing experience we have had in San Diego! Kevin and I ( DGE Gillian Jones), along with the five other New Zealand based incoming Governors and their partners, spent an exciting week of training and camaraderie with DGEs and partners from around the world, becoming inspired to take Rotary into the future. Our incoming Rotary International President, Holgar Knaack (standing to the left of DGE Gillian, top left photo!) from Germany, is a very warm and personable leader who passionately encouraged us that Rotary open opportunities.
RYPEN Reminder to clubs; Applications close Friday 6th March 2020. This is considerably earlier than in previous years, as we want to catch Daylight Savings Time and warmer weather. This will allow for more enjoyable outdoor activities for the students.
CLUBS SHOULD URGENTLY CONTACT OR FOLLOW UP WITH THEIR LOCAL SCHOOL - please contact the Teacher in Charge of Pastoral Care at your local college as soon as possible to identify nominees. Four nominations were received and accepted before Christmas and time is short between now and close off on 6th March for the rest to be submitted.
Nomination forms should be with the RYPEN Convenor (Mel Cook, Inglewood RC) by email to: Phone or text queries to 0274 426943.
South Pacific Presidents-Elect Training is being held at the Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre, Auckland, from 29 February to 1 March. It is very important that Presidents Elect or someone from your Club attends if you have no President-Elect or your President Elect is unable to attend.
Much has changed in the world since 1905. Then, the global population was roughly 1.7 billion. Today, it is 7.7 billion. There were 5 telephones per 100 people in the United States 115 years ago. In 2020, it is estimated that 96 percent of the U.S. population has a cellphone — and both China and India have more than a billion cellphones in use.
In the 115 years since Rotary was founded, seemingly everything has changed except Rotary values. We began, and remain, committed to fellowship, integrity, diversity, service, and leadership. While our Service Above Self motto dates to 1911, the ethos behind those words had already been ingrained by Rotary's founders.
By Erin Thomas, Magdalena Zurita), Wes Hedden, Yung Nietschke and ElsaMarie D’Silva, Rotary Peace Fellows and Provisional Board of Directors for the Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association.At the Rotary Peace Symposium and Peace Fellow Conference in June in Germany, 80 Rotary Peace Fellows had the opportunity to come together and share our work, insights and ideas for building peace. We also discussed how to work together more closely as a network of 1300+ peacebuilders, alumni of the Rotary Peace Fellowship program, from over 100 countries. We were convinced that there was a need to gather as a group of talented individuals: professionals with expert knowledge and vast experience, passionate about building a more peaceful world.
Our Rotary District 9940 is launching a new Facebook page for a public audience within the next fortnight and will be changing the existing Facebook group to a closed group for interaction between Rotarians.
What is the difference between a Facebook page and a closed group?
A Facebook page is a public profile page—such as a profile for a brand, organization, or website. Its purpose is to connect with an audience. Readers can interact with the posts. Analytics and publishing tools enable us to see when our audience is most active, post engagements, scheduling and advertising. We can’t see the details of individuals following our page.
A Facebook group is a community-based feature that gathers people with the same interests to discuss topics and share knowledge. For example, Rotarians sharing information with each other. With a closed group, people can answer questions and respond which aren’t broadcast in public across friends’ newsfeeds. Only members of the closed group can see the Group’s posts.
Rotary Club of Wellington, New Zealand has achieved a ‘first’ – by becoming perhaps the first Rotary Club in New Zealand, and one of the first internationally to become a certified Carbon Zero organisation.
Rotary Club of Wellington President Denise Church, and Climate Change Committee Chair Roger Blakeley, receiving a Carbon Zero organisation certificate from Steve Dixon of Toitū Envirocare.
Wednesday 22nd January – Sunday 26th January Silverstream Retreat, Lower Hutt
What a fantastic way to kick off the year, with RYLA 2020 successfully completed. On Wednesday 22nd January 24 future leaders undertook 5 days on a high energy programme of intensive leadership skills. It was truly inspirational watching these young individuals grow within themselves and harnessing their leadership potential. Participants went from complete strangers, to a close group of young leaders not wanting to say ‘good-bye’ – there were even tears (that’s just how much impact this course can have on participants).
Immediate Past District Governor Marion Johnston presents Rotarian Ganesh Cherian with a Paul Harris Sapphire pin - a District 9940 award for his tireless work as immediate past RYLA programme director. Current programme leader Paul Newsom is in support.
DG John H Mohi congratulates Garnesh Cherian on receiving a prestigious District PHF award for exemplary “Service Above Self” at the conclusion of RYLA 2020.
Currently District 7850 (Northern New England including Quebec, Canada) is visiting our District 9940.
Rotarians and their spouses from New Hampshire & Vermont (USA) and Quebec (Canada) are here on an International Rotary Friendship Exchange programme of 2 weeks (3-17 Feb), in a new shared style programme consisting of one week with District 9940 and the second week with District 9980, the southernmost District of the South Island.
A dedicated few have been working hard during this holiday period to present this inaugural event. Make it a family event and please share this information with your friends too! The event is to be held at the above venue, starting from 11am. Full details and registration are available on our website HERE.This new page on our website allows us to make this an annual event and now we have the knowledge to use the Registration system, we can make use of this for other events or causes Eastern Hutt Rotary embarks on.
This is the first time we have made use of one of the valuable benefits of ClubRunner, with this built-in registration system. Special thanks to District Rotary's website manager, Richard Stephen, for helping us through this technical maze, without him, this would not have been possible!
We dreamed to “End Polio” for some years, could 2020 be the year!!!
It was unfortunate that we had 165 cases of the wild polio virus in 2019 after just 33 in 2018.
It is disappointing but in 2005 India they had 66 cases rising to 874 in 2007 before steadily dropping to 1 in 2011, before being declared “Polio Free” by WHO in 2014
We hope that Pakistan and Afghanistan follow a similar but quicker and less severe pattern with a drop beginning in 2020.
When we talk about the Rotary brand, we’re talking about the basic qualities and goals that unite all Rotary clubs and districts – it’s what we offer people who partner with us, join a club or participate in our programs and projects. Our brand reflects our identity, our vision, and essence, as well as our values.
Read how Amanda Wendt, Vice Chair of the RI Communications Committee, expresses her Rotary pride.
A NEW version of Rotary's Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines is now available for Download from the Brand Center (under Guidelines) - login needed.
This condenses into one document the important branding information every Rotarian needs. It is recommended you Download to your computer for easy access.
WOW! What an amazing turn out of vehicles for Inglewood Rotary Clubs 25th Charity Car Show.
Thanks must go to our Major Sponsor Kevin Walsh and his team from CSR – CustomStreet Rides in Inglewood, for enabling Inglewood Rotary Club to continue to grow our annual event. Thank you to our many other sponsors and helpers on the day, enabling the raising of funds to assist with the Inglewood High School Youth Health Unit.
Left to right: Jon-Paul Heather, Phillippa Gordon, Jordan Heal, Sonya Joyce, Mayor Neil Volzke, Melanie McBain and Daniel Stieller were at the formal unveiling of the water fountain last week.
Rotary Club of Plimmerton had this movie as a fundraiser. Director Tony Sutorios, from Plimmerton, also did the Question and Answer time after the movie showing. Their son Theo is currently our Rotary exchange student outbound to Netherlands.
Tony is prepared to offer this movie to District 9940 Rotary clubs as a fundraiser, as part of the launch outside the Film Festival the red carpet event is at the Embassy in Wellington 10 Feb. Part of the publicity will include the Breakfast programme on TV one and TV 3 as well as an interview by Kim Hill
More than sixty Rotarians and friends from the five clubs in our Wairarapa cluster gathered at the Memorial Club in Carterton on Thursday evening, 23 January, to celebrate the life of Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns. The Selkirk Grace was said by Bill Aitchison with an additional verse he had composed for the vegetarians present! President Alan Butler addressed the Haggis and dealt it a number of vicious cuts with his sgian dubh to release its “warm, reekin’, rich” innards. Assistant District Governor, Rob Cameron, presented a fine bottle of Glenmorangie, to offer a dram to the chef, Mike Topp, and the piper, Roger Stuart. After a hearty meal, served by an excellent team from the Teen Parent Unit at Makoura College, Rob gave a feisty rendition of the poem, “To a Louse”, making our heads feel a little itchy as the wee creature proceeded on its journeys across a fine lady’s bonnet.
Support Vic Hewson & Stu Ayres through Give a Little and Kapiti Rotary's Charitable Trust as they ride the length of New Zealand on the Tour Aotearoa 2020 to inspire and support Kapiti Youth to realise their potential (and their own!). Follow us here on Facebook and Instagram #kapitirotarykruzers . Make your donation to:…/challenging-and-supporting-yout…
Many have been affected by the destructive bush fires in Australia, including Rotarians' families, friends and communities. We can help by donating through Rotary NZ World Community Service which will identify community needs where Rotary can give a hand.