As I continue my club visits I see, even in an area as small as District 9940, a huge variety in the communities that our 53 clubs call home. We are in city and rural communities, affluent and struggling communities, conservative and progressive communities; each with its own needs and opportunities for Rotary service
As members of a global organisation, Rotary clubs are all bound by the same set of rules and requirements. This gives us our strength – we operate under the same precepts wherever we are, making us recognisable as a brand that has values that are respected and lived by
However, the work we do as Rotary clubs is as varied as the clubs themselves. Each club connects with its community in a different way, by different means and each club is resourced differently
Different is great! In fact it’s better than great – it means we are all responding to need which is unique to our own community, and that is exactly what we’re about – identifying community need and making sustainable change for good
I see in our District a strong focus on programmes and projects for the benefit of youth who are the future of all our communities, local and global, and if we can instil Rotary values in the youth of the planet, the future will be looking bright
I referred above to the fact that we all belong to Rotary International and our clubs operate under the rules and regulations of that organisation. Club Presidents and Secretaries have received notice of resolutions being considered by the RI Council on Resolutions. Discuss these resolutions in your club – this is our chance to make changes that could enhance the Rotary experience for members.
Find out more at https://my.rotary.org/en/council-resolutions-frequently-asked-questions
I encourage all Rotarians to visit the Learning Centre at Rotary.org which is being upgraded and more learning opportunities offered. Login to rotary.org, click ‘Learning & Development’ and then ‘Learning Centre’ in the right hand column. You can take short tutorials on a variety of subjects designed to advance your knowledge in areas of club development, club administration, membership etc
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou