Rotary Youth Exchange
Youth Exchange provides thousands of young people with the opportunity to meet people from other lands and to experience their cultures. This plants the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding.
The programme provides Clubs with opportunity to host an overseas secondary school student (aged between 16 and 18) for a year to experience life and culture in a foreign country to further their education and personal development. While not a direct exchange, clubs can also provide the same opportunity for a Kiwi student to travel overseas for twelve months.
Students arriving in New Zealand generally commence the exchange in July. Clubs will need 3-4 host families and a mentor to advise and support the student during their stay.
Kiwi students leave in January for their twelve month exchanges. They need a local District 9940 club to assess and sponsor them. This has very limited financial implications for orientation and uniform, but does require that the club appoint a NZ mentor to support the student.
Without question this programme not only creates friendships between students, hosts and clubs lasting a lifetime, but also enables young men and women to realise their potential and start them on a journey for roles as Rotarians and community leaders.
For Rotarians