D9940 Learning and Development


Rotary Learning Centre

Rotary International has introduced an online Learning Centre within MyRotary. For all clubs and Rotarians in what ever role they occupy, to get the very best experience of Rotary and the volunteer time we all provide, we need to know not only how Rotary and many of its programmes operate, but also provide the important knowledge for our club and district leaders to be confident and successful in their roles. It is for ALL Rotarians.
This centre hosts an increasing range of on-line learning modules that bring this knowledge to our Rotarians in easy, short modules that can be accessed anywhere at times suitable to the recipients. They will increasingly become a major part of Rotarian's journey learning about their organisation.


Over the next 15 months District Learning arrangements will include a mix of the following;
  • Learning modules delivered through local Rotary Leadership Institute workshops
  • Learning modules on the Rotary Online Learning Centre.  (Note – you will need to log on to the Rotary International website (https://www.rotary.org/en) to access this.
  • Support and advice delivered by the Chairs of District Committees.
  • Support and advice facilitated through Assistant Governors.
  • Support and advice delivered by Club Presidents and club office holders and their predecessors.
  • Learning and guidance for leaders, such as Presidents Elect, will continue  as before at Presidents Elect Training (PETS) and South Pacific Presidents Elect Training (SPPETS).
  • Targeted focus group learning sessions, through AGs and with Presidents Elect, will be held from time to time as needed.
Surveys on learning and training needs and the value of current practices will be conducted from time to time.
Richard Wishnowsky
District Learning & Development Chair