17 February 2017
Hot off the Press
This bulletin has been emailed to all 9940 Rotarians
Give the Gift of Rotary
Rotary’s 112th anniversary is 23 February, and this year we celebrate The Rotary Foundation’s 100th year. Consider giving a birthday gift to The Rotary Foundation today. When you give to the Annual Fund, you empower leaders just like you to improve their communities and make a lasting impact.

Are you and your friends registered on My Rotary?

A special centennial promotion is coming soon. Register on My Rotary today and check announcements to stay updated.
Significant Achievement Awards

It’s a new year with new deadlines for RI awards. The Significant Achievement Award recognizes clubs in your district whose project has addressed a significant problem or need in your community. You can nominate one club per district each year. Projects completed outside of the club’s country are not eligible. The deadline for nominations, made by district governors, is 15 March.

The Rotarian Spouse/Partner Service Award honors spouses and partners of club members for showing commitment to Rotary through exemplary humanitarian service. The deadline for nominations, made by district governors, is 1 March.

Award criteria details can be found here:

• Significant Achievement Award nomination form
• Rotarian Spouse/Partner Service Award nomination form  

If you have questions about earning your club’s citation for 2016-17, join the conversation in our Membership Best Practices Discussion Group or contact us at
NZ Students needed for Overseas Experience of a Lifetime!
This year, more than 8,000 young people around the world will have the opportunity of a lifetime — a chance to live in another country and see the world from a new perspective through Rotary Youth Exchange.  District 9940 is now seeking applications from young people and we would be grateful if you (or the appropriate person at your local school) could distribute information to students.
Expressions of interest are due in by 5pm FRIDAY 31st MARCH 2017 and the selection weekend will be held 27-28th MAY  in Feilding.  This is for student departures in January 2018. 
If you require any further information please contact:
Documents are available from Mandi Bates:
Outbound Coordinator
Mandi Bates
Phone: 021.668-622
Host Clubs Needed for International Students
Now is the time that we need a commitment from D9940 clubs to host overseas students coming in July to New Zealand.  We started getting requests for placements in November last year so now need a commitment from Clubs to host – we already have a couple in progress but need at least 6 to 8 more!
Can you please respond to me whether your club is considering hosting a student for the 2017-2018 year.
Inbound Coordinators
Karen Hird
06.3267003 or 021.0351199
Gaylene Lines
Learn about the new Grants Centre

In December, Rotary International debuted the new Grant Center, which features both a new look and a streamlined grant application. You can learn more about the new system in How to Use the Grant Center. RI will host a webinar in April to introduce new users to the Grant Center. Register on the webinars page on My Rotary.

Did you know that you can use the Grant Center to find all of the grants sponsored by your district, whether or not your club is involved? It’s easy. First, sign in to My Rotary and navigate to the Grant Center. Click Grant Search, top right. That will take you to a page that has a search bar you can use to search by grant number or grant title. You can also search by area of focus. This search feature also lets you see your district’s district grant. Please tell others in your club about this, and let them know that learning about the district’s other grants is a good thing to do before beginning any new projects.

We hope you like the changes we made to the Grant Center. Watch for additional improvements in the coming months.

High Tea
Charity Golf Tournament

The Annual Golf Tournament will be held at the famous Paraparaumu Golf Course on Thursday 16 March 2017 starting 1pm.

HMC Kapiti are our major sponsor for the 2017 Tournament.  Please support our sponsors.

The entry form can be down loaded below.

The principal beneficiary of the 2017 Tournament will be the Blind Foundation Guide Dog Red Puppy Dog Appeal.

$5000 was donated to the Wellington Children’s Hospital from the funds raised from the 2016 Tournament.

The entry form can be downloaded from

Register Now for the District Conference in April 2017
The early bird registration fee for the District Conference is no longer available
District Conference 21 - 23 April 2017 
Look forward to seeing you there
The website for full details is only a click away
before, during and after the conference  - organised by Rotary Clubs of Taranaki.
These are to be pre-booked, and if required, pre-paid. Bookings will be accepted up to one week before the conference , that is up to Friday, 14th of April.
Where payment is required a small booking fee will be levied by the on-line company “Eventbrite”.  In those cases where "Register Now" only is required no fee will be payable.
Questions about the programme may be addressed by e-mail to Michael Archer at "".
ANZAC Day 2017 will be on Tuesday, 25th April. Delegates are encouraged to stay an extra night and to use the Monday, the 24th, as an additional day during which further to experience and explore Taranaki. 
Bulletin Editor
Adrienne Murray